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      Binary Love

      2022|Mainland,China|All 24 EPs|Romance · Story
      تشوانغ دا في
      رن يولون
      ليو يوي هانغ
      يانغ بينغ تشوه
      هو جا شين
      Liu ShuYuan
      وو يي جيا
      تشونغ لي لي
      Tian Jingfan
      It tells a sour and sweet story between Zhou Linlin, an underachiever and Feng Yuke, a straight-A model. They think they will go different ways after the college entrance examination. Unexpectedly, they are admitted, by mistake, to the least popular major of the best university in China, namely the Department of Animal Husbandry. To make up for the "first-love trauma" she accidentally caused Fang Yuke, Zhou Linlin makes every attempt to help him get back his beautiful first love. Without noticing, she gradually falls into the trap of youth. The graduation season is coming. Is he or she in your memories of youth still by your side?

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