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      Full-Time Magister SS1

      PG|2016|الصين الرئيسية|حلقة 12

      The aloof high schooler Mo Fan has found himself in a universe similar yet distinctly different from his own mundane one; it's a place where magic has replaced the essence of science. Here, the most capable students are taught to master the wonders of spellworking to fend off large devastating beasts that lurk in the forests surrounding the city.

      مُوصى به لك

      حلقة 15

      You don't understand, It's also love

      حلقة 12

      Developing into a school genius

      حلقة 12

      Wu Zhiji, Breaking the Sky, Moving the Heaven and the Earth

      حلقة 40

      Yang Yang fought for glory

      حلقة 32

      زي تقليدي · رومانسي · قصة

      حلقة 266

      لا تندم على دخول طائفة تانغ في هذه الحياة

      حلقة 10

      An ordinary youth crossing as a villain into the book and abusing the hero!

      حلقة 35

      The youth from clan of cultivators killed the devils for the others

      حلقة 12

      Ten years of blood writing esports brilliant

      حلقة 12