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      Daughter in War

      2021|تايلاند|حلقة 28|رومانسي · كوميديا
      Kanin Stanleyالممثل
      الاسمKanin Stanley
      تاريخ الولادة1989-03-31
      Prima Bhuncharoenالممثل
      الاسمPrima Bhuncharoen
      تاريخ الولادة1991-11-29
      Krittakan Prasitpanitالممثل
      الاسمKrittakan Prasitpanit
      تاريخ الولادة1993-05-28
      Chanidapa Pongsilpipatالممثل
      الاسمChanidapa Pongsilpipat
      تاريخ الولادة1988-07-15

      Tian, a self-centered and moody Maithong Siam conglomerate owner, is extremely particular when choosing his daughters-in-law and no one dares oppose his tyrannical edict, not even his wife, Liw. He arranged his second and third son's marriage while his eldest got away with the excuse that he wanted to focus on running the family's business first.

      The youngest son, Traiwit, works as a police officer, and Tian decides to arrange an engagement for Traiwit out of fear that his youngest son might choose a fiancée himself. Traiwit could only delay the arrangement as he was sent to deal on a drug-dealing case near the northeast village. Looking suspicious, Traiwit and his colleagues were surrounded by Fahsai and the villagers. While Traiwit and his colleagues were in the middle of clearing the misunderstanding, their identities were exposed. Fahsai helps Traiwit to escape from the drug dealers. Liw, who follows her son, accidentally sees Fahsai and Traiwit together and mistakes them for a couple. She encourages Traiwit to bring Fahsai back home and introduce her to Tian, hoping that Tian would respect Traiwit's decision. Traiwit comes up with a plan and asks Fahsai for help. If she agrees to register a temporary marriage with him, he will pay the tuition fees for her master's degree and have all the silk products from the villagers bought by Maithong Siam. Fahsai agrees to the lucrative deal and fakes a relationship with Traiwit. Unfortunately, it won't be that easy to be a daughter-in-law to someone like Tian. She is about to enter into a different war! The Daughter-in-War!

      مُوصى به لك

      حلقة 30

      عقد زواج داي جاو تشنغ وتشين فانغ تونغ يأخذ منعطفًا رومانسيًا غير متوقع!


      تعال إلى آسيا لاختيار الآيدل الخاص بك

      7تم تجديد الحلقة

      حياتان، زوجان، ومستقبل مشرق

      16تم تجديد الحلقة

      كلمات أغنية تان جيان تسي ولي لان دي: الجياة الممتعة

      19تم تجديد الحلقة

      Perfect 10 Liners

      13تم تجديد الحلقة

      العلاقة الرومانسية بين قاو وي قوانج وشيوان لو في عالم الفنون القتالية

      17تم تجديد الحلقة

      الحب والمودة. كل شيء على ما يرام.

      حلقة 40

      تغيير المعلم والمتدرب لدى دنغ وي وشيانغ هان تشي

      حلقة 17


      حلقة 26

      الإغراء بين لين يون وفانغ ييلون: من سيسقط أولاً؟
