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      Wonderland of Love

      2023|Mainland,China|All 40 EPs|Traditional Costume · Romance
      Steve Cheng
      شيوي كاي
      جينغ تيان
      تشنغ خه هوي تسي
      قاو هان
      تشاو جيا مين
      ليو دونغ تشين
      The court is in a turbulent situation and the imperial power passes into traitors' hands. The Emperor's grandson Li Ni, who is guarding the border, has to shoulder the responsibility to fight rebellion. The General's single daughter Cui Lin conceals her true identity. She and Li Ni get involved in the dispute with their armies. Surrounded by multiple parties, they have struggles, open and secret, and take risky moves. During several encounters, they regard each other as worthy opponents and fall in love. It's a romantic love story where the two powerful characters defend their country and live a happy life ever after.

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      Song Qian and Huang Jingyu love for thousand years.
