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      An exciting offer S3

      An exciting offer S3 is a show about internship observation. In this season, a new sector, doctors, is the theme. It records the 40-day internship of a few medical school graduates with the dream to be excellent doctors in a Grade 3 hospital, and from a novel perspective, tells the interns’ stories rarely known to the public and their efforts to get the two “exciting offers”.

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      Total 15 EP


      Total 15 EP

      Tudung Rubah Jelita

      Ray Ma, Neo Hou, Jim Yu, Henry menjadi pengasuh anak

      “He Jiong and Jackson”call you to watch the show

      Cita Rasa Dunia S2

      Cheney Chen, Johnny Huang dan Jackson Wang Mengasuh anak kecil

      Bagaimana Jackson Yee ,Kenny Lin dan Jim Yu mengasuh anak kecil?


      He Jiong dan Jackson Wang mengajak semua orang untuk mengungkap Rahasia kulkas!


      Power of women aged 30+
